Joshua Gimer wrote:
What commands are you using to reboot the machine and what
does the machine show that it was hanging on whenever it was attempting
to reboot?
On 6/3/06, Sam
<> wrote:
know if this might be hardware or software related, but it seems
that every time I attempt to do a remote reboot of the machine,
everything shuts down normally, and it never comes back. Just returned
from the co-lo site, and when I plugged the monitor in, it had gone to
the point of "rebooting" and hung. This is 4.3 on x-86.
FYI... I prefer shutdown -r now myself, but I have one machine that
doesn't like it. However, for whatever reason, it reboots fine with the
reboot command. I haven't bothered to figure out why... just have a
mental note about this issue.
John Hinton