Ralf Prengel ralf.prengel@rprengel.de wrote:
I made a backup using dd without any problems but how can I mount this image. Normal loop options don't work.
Too little information. Tell us what you tried (the exact command) and what happened (any error message).
Ok, sorry. Our recoder device that stores all videos of several cameras doesn t work any longer. Before doing anything on the the device or the disk I made a full backup oft he disk with dd. Trying to mount this file simple with mount -o loop save.dd /mnt/backup fails. I found out that VDR are using non-standard disk-configurations and filesystems. So my question if there is a way to get access the files in the image. Tools like parted don t show partions in the bckup-file.
Thanks Ralf
Ralf Prengel Teamleiter Customer Care Comline AG Hauert 8 D-44227 Dortmund/Germany
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