On Sunday 31 December 2006 10:46 pm, Jeff Lasman wrote:
I downloaded and installed greylistd as follows: greylistd-
But it doesn't run <frown>.
I start it using "service greylistd start". I'm presuming that should work, as all the files seem to be in place for it to work.
<snip> # service greylistd start Starting greylistd: [FAILED]
if you check your process list, you will see that a process greylistd is running, the daemon start but, the notification for sucess have a bug with this package rpm from atrpms. For declaring success in the start, the init script search for a process greylistd active, but in the wrong way.
open /etc/init.d/greylistd with any editor of your choice
go to the line 25 that say
ps uax | grep -v grep | grep '/usr/bin/python /usr/sbin/greylistd' > /dev/null
change the /usr/bin/python word for /usr/bin/python2.3
ps uax | grep -v grep | grep '/usr/bin/python2.3 /usr/sbin/greylistd'
(maybe my editor cut in two the lines above.)
with this change, the service will report correctly that the daemon is active.
happy greylisting (i have this one in tho exim systems to my charge, and i love this)
-- Black Hand Amiga Addicts