Keith Keller wrote, On 05/21/2010 12:13 AM:
On Thu, May 20, 2010 at 07:02:06PM -0400, Thomas Dukes wrote:
I am trying to add to my resolv.conf. I added it through the system-config-network but if I reboot, its gone. I do not have the caching nameserver package installed. My ISP's nameservers are there. It must have something to do with DHCP.
Yes--DHCP will overwrite resolv.conf by default. See the various options, in particular supersede and prepend, in the man page for dhclient.conf.
Unfortunately trying to use dhclient.conf only leads to frustration. RH/Fedora chose in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-eth to make the dhcp client only read /etc/dhclient-eth#.conf and ifup-eth overwrites that file each time the interface is uped.
I am debating having ifup-eth concatenate dhclient.conf into dhclient-eth#.conf when it builds the file.
Can you tell I ran into this problem recently? :{