W dniu 20.08.2015 o 13:52, Mauricio Tavares pisze:
On Thu, Aug 20, 2015 at 7:34 AM, Marcin Trendota moonwolf.rh@gmail.com wrote:
W dniu 20.08.2015 o 13:26, Mauricio Tavares pisze:
On Aug 20, 2015 6:54 AM, "ken" gebser@mousecar.com wrote:
One of the build options for a laptop I'm looking at buying is DVD vs
Blu-Ray. I've never used Blue-ray before, so is there some compelling reason, as a Linux guy, to want to get Blu-ray? First of all, is this going to be your desktop or a server? If the later, can't see the point for blueray. One of the compelling reasons against is that only movies use it. Second, it has dmr crap in it that
I used to use Blu-Ray as backup device.
In that case, the concern about drm is null and void. That said,
how did that work out for you? I thought about doing that because of the sheer capacity but my experience using DL DVDs for backup was not as good as the original claims. Retention was not good after a year or so, which led me to use hard drives instead with a slow rotation policy and keeping hardware to read it (poor man's futureproofing).
Well, retention was not an issue in my case (that were monthly backups, we didn't need to keep old backups). But eventually capacity became a problem. Recently we have switched to RDX.