Ken Price wrote:
Please do not top post! It makes life harder in mailing lists. (item 2, "Guidelines for CentOS Mailing List posts")
I didn't include the last replies but it's all messed up.
Dude. Give me a break. I was just quick-replying and not thinking. Reply privately next time.
Hi Ken,
I didn't want to be rude or anything. It's just that those top posting are coming again and again. It makes threads harder to read and the posting guidelines to the CentOS list are public and well defined.
I thank you for your help. But people have to realize that these guidelines are not just for fun or temporary. The more people know about it, the better it is for the sake of the list. That's why i'll CC to the list, it's good for people that don't know about the guidelines. Maybe you were not aware of them, now you are and thanks for that.
Guy Boisvert, ing. IngTegration inc.