On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 4:57 PM, mahmoud mansy jecko617@gmail.com wrote:
hey guys, i wanna update the kernel of thw centos 5.5,to the 2.6.32 version! is there any compatablity issues with stuff like glibc or otheres!
Someone suggested Fedora on the hardware and CentOS in a VM.. That works best if you're doing the RHCE..
However, you can also upgrade the kernel and yes, a few things don't always work quite right. Most notably, if I build the stock kernel I usually have to go back and tweak filesystem settings, sometimes some /dev entries don't appear, etc.. Nothing catastrophic, but takes a couple builds to get right. The other option is to grab the prepackaged kernels from some of the devs. They do a great job of packaging the latest, but then you miss out on all that fun of watching your drive LEDs blinking like crazy.
BTW, you can download the RHEL6 trial..