On 25.Sep.2013, at 19:58, Reindl Harald wrote:
Am 25.09.2013 18:39, schrieb Markus Falb:
On 25.Sep.2013, at 13:57, Kai Schaetzl wrote:
This should really be directed at a PHP forum. I would suspect that something with the server certificate is not ok.
oh my, centos says it's php thing php says, what?, 5.1.6 is seven years old
The backporting oath?
any why do you not update your crap? PHP 5.1 is irrelevant these days
Now I am irritated. RHEL 5 is supported until 2017, so is CentOS 5, isn't it? It comes with php and it comes with php53. You tell me I am a crapper because I use php. I would have expected such things from the php mailing list, but on CentOS…. In other words, do not tell me on the CentOS Mailing List that I am dumb if I use a package provided by CentOS (that's silly)
that's why CentOS/RHEL provides 5.3 packages without break environments rely on 5.1
It really doesn't break? I cant believe that.