H wrote:
I have been running Mate on Centos 7 for some time but it does not work very well on my HiDPI laptop screen. Today I found that I am running version 1.16 of Mate whereas the current version is 1.22. Undoubtedly many of the issues have been fixed since 1.16 was released in 2016...
It depends what you mean by 'does not work very well' ...
Without knowing what the problem is, it would be hard to say if a newer version may fix whatever the issue is
However, EPEL only provides 1.16 - a release from 2016 - and nothing later.
As said elsewhere in this thread, there isn't currently an EPEL maintainer for Mate, so you will have to look elsewhere
I did come across https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/raveit65/Mate-GTK3/ a short while ago when I was looking for a possible 'update path' - but never got round to trying it out ...
I guess that if unless 'someone' takes on the maintainer role for Mate at EPEL, then there will be no upgrade path
James Pearson