are you in the mysql database when you do that command? and does that user actually exist? maybee you need to create the user with:
grant select,insert,update,delete,create,index,alter,drop on somedatabase.* to gamito@localhost identified by 'blabla';
Quoting AR
Sorry for posting this here, but i've posted in MySQL list and no one answered.
I'm trying to set a password for a user with the command:
mysql> set password for gamito@localhost=password('blabla');
but i always get the error: ERROR 1133 (42000): Can't find any matching row in the user table
although i'm pretty sure that the user exists.
I'm using MySQL version 4.1.20 from CentOS 4.4
This neves happened to me :(
Any help would be appreciated.
Best Regards, AR _______________________________________________ CentOS mailing list
- Nathan -