I just read this blog article from austrian Linux expert Michael Kofler. For those among you who don't know the guy, he's my home country's number one Linux expert (known as "der Kofler") and most notably the author of a series of excellent books about Linux over the last 25 years.
Disclaimer : I've been a CentOS user (and fan) since 4.x, I'm using it on all my servers, and yes, I know the difference between upstream RHEL and CentOS.
The article is in german, but the statistics graph is eloquent enough for the non-german-speaking users. It focuses on updates for CentOS 8, and more exactly the extended periods of time where there have been no updates available.
The author's theory ("unspoken truth"): while it's a positive thing that Red Hat is sponsoring CentOS, the amount of sponsoring is just insufficient enough so that the product is "starved to death" by Red Hat (e. g. IBM) to encourage users to move to RHEL.
The author's conclusion is quite severe: in the current state of things, CentOS 8 is not recommendable for production as updates are lagging too much behind. While CentOS 7 may be usable, CentOS 8 has been "degraded to teaching and testing purposes".
Still according to Mister Kofler, this "sorry state of things" will probably encourage users to move to Oracle Linux, the other big RHEL clone.
After some hesitation, I decided to share this on the mailing list. Since this raises some concerns, I'd be curious to have your take on this.
Cheers from the sunny South of France,