On 12/15/20 9:20 AM, Kevin K wrote:
As a bystander who just the other day saw this, no. It doesn't appear that it will be a bleeding edge kernel. Just builds of the next kernel expected to be in the next 8.X release. So you are getting updated features earlier, but maybe before all the known issues are resolved to a state ready to be released in the main RH build.
For my work use of Red Hat, this all doesn't matter. We license and pay for many copies of RHEL. It is only for home use that I've historically used CentOS. And even then I can get a personal license of RHEL.
I totally agree with that. I think that most of RedHat's success is because of 'open' Linux in general, and especially Centos in the last decade or however long it has been around.
What large companies don't seem to understand (except for a few) is that what is used in the workplace is what people that run that stuff know, and most of those are people that started with that as HS kids, or they have a degree in something unrelated, often an "online/make up degree. That might sound mean/bad, but that is the work force you have, that is what they use, so that is what companies/organizations/institutions will use, always been like that, will be like that for the foreseeable future.
Most of what runs companies/institutions "IT stuff" have a few machines at home, I know enough sysadmins that have the previous model Dell servers, or the model before that, some EOL Cisco equipment, that is what they know very well to use, so that is what companies will be using too, including their choice of OS and software.
RHEL and Centos disappearing migh be a problem in the short term, a year or 2/3/4, but hey, it only takes one hardware life cycle before a new badge of HS kids and college drop outs figured out what to use next (for free).
When was the last time a large company (think IBM, Sun, Novell Netware, Oracle) had a great idea to create or take over an OS, or a community only ending up in a situation that only almost killed them. (Yeah MS, but they figured out that giving it away for next to nothing for residential/educational use is actually securing their market share in commercial/government/Education etc etc etc.)
The only times something became really popular, and useful for "the industry" is when it is was for free for personal use (or was included with the hardware, there are/were countless examples), because that is what the people working in it, programmers, sysadmins etc., do, use the free stuff .. take it to work, get promotions and a raises for their good ideas. In fact, that is how Linux/Redhat became a success to begin with.
Personal licenses, sure, but what IT guy is going to get 4-5 $500 a pop a year licenses just because it is the same as at work? (And... what about all the online forums etc? that are free to use) Redhat might think about giving "those" away for free.. BUT most large companies, and for sure government, does not allow their employees to accept 'gifts' for more then a few ($10-15) a year. So that won't fly either.
my 2 cts,
On Tue, Dec 15, 2020 at 9:29 AM Turritopsis Dohrnii Teo En Ming < teoenming.dec2020@gmail.com> wrote:
Good day from Singapore,
What are the differences between CentOS Linux and CentOS Stream?
At the moment, I only know that CentOS 8 support will end on 31 December 2021 while Red Hat Inc will shift its focus to CentOS Stream.
Is CentOS Stream going to be very similar to Fedora Linux, shipping with the latest Linux Kernel like 5.10.1?
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you.
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