On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 7:23 PM, Kevin Krieser <k_krieser@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

On Jan 28, 2009, at 10:46 AM, Anne Wilson wrote:

> On Wednesday 28 January 2009 16:20:47 Kevin Krieser wrote:
>> The information IS in the headers, but many email programs don't show
>> the full headers, extracting only the information that many people
>> want (subject, TO:, CC:, etc).  So if you aren't aware of it being
>> hidden in the headers, you may not notice it.
>> I generally look at the footers, when present, to see how to
>> unsubscribe.  And many people don't even go that far.  CentOS
>> probably
>> should add just a little more to their footers, such as a note that
>> the link provided is also to unsubscribe.
> It's easy to find when you know, but then we're not newbies, are we?
> Anne

I've been on several different lists, on and off, so I am not a newbie
here.  And even then, unless I remembered, I probably wouldn't think
of looking at the normally hidden headers.

Now when there is a footer added that says to unsubscribe, send a
message to a specified address, it can be frustrating. But I guess it
works, a list manager will probably remove the poster.
CentOS mailing list

Who cares about the headers.... every single message from the list has a footer appended to it with the information about the list.  Click on the link and it tells you how to unsubscribe.  Not to mention that, but once a month I get an email from the mailing list telling me about my subscription and how to log in and make changes to my subscription.

Bill Cosby  - "A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice."