On Fri, 2009-05-22 at 20:18 -0400, sam wrote:
I dunno Nate,
It started all this extraenous logging stuff after kicking memory
from a paltry 256m up to 2 Gigs. The system has on occasion crashed with little else in the log files that would indicate any kind of other hardware problem, so with all the rejected packets or partial entries (none which showed up on this particular snippett leads me to believe it's dropping sync somehow. I'll watch the further logs and stuff to see if I can find something more definitive.
Along with the memtest86 mentioned in another reply, consider this.
When I upgraded the memory on my CentOS 4.x box, an Acer Ak77-400 (Max/N) unit with the via kt-400 chipset, last year to 2GB, it wouldn't work. To make a long story short, the DIMMS had no specs. The "auto" was set in BIOS for voltage. My fix was to change that to manual and bump the voltage a couple of tenths. More memory draws more amperage, may need more voltage to drive sufficient amperage.
*If* this tweak fries your memory (one or two tenths should not), you might be SOL. You might want to check the specs on the memory, check with your vendor about the issue (including warranty), etc. before proceding.
<snip sig stuff>