On Wed, Jul 7, 2010 at 10:13 AM, ma qiang <maqiang1984@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,
 I have installed a software using "yum install ...", but the
version of rpm in centos is too old.  I have made a new rpm from
source, and now I'd like to use this to replace the old version rpm in
centos cd. So, When I install centos for my computer, I can choose
to install it automaticly.
 In my guess, I have to replace the rpm at first. After that, I
need to edit something such as dependencies.
 Who can tell me how?
 Thanks a lot.

Best Wishes!
Qiang Ma
CentOS mailing list

changing the rpm package won't be so easy. i would suggest that you first try to use the rpm from rpmforge. maybe this version is new enough for you.
if not try finding some other repo.

If you still need a newer package, try first to install your version on a fresh install on centos and solve the dependencies. Make notes on what you changed and then replace all the rpms you changed on the install cd. or you can make your own yum repo and install the packages from the repo after the install using yum update.