----- Original Message -----
From: "Jun Salen" <nokijun@yahoo.com>
To: centos@centos.org
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2007 11:54:46 AM (GMT+1000) Australia/Brisbane
Subject: [CentOS] Mail Server Install

Hi Friends,

I am planning to upgrade my mail server from CentOS4.5 to CentOS5. By this, I also planned to replace my postfix mail server with Scalix although the community edition limit me to just 25 premium user, I think it is suffice for us with the remaining user as standard user (with approx. <> 100 users total). Is there a catch on using Scalix based on your experience. I see that Horde is available from Dag's repository, do you think it is better for me to use that instead? Is there anyone using it that may share their gotchas and good points from their experience for me to prepare and be ready. Thank you in advance.
Linux Registered User #253162

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Have a look at http://zimbra.com. It has an open-source version with unlimited users. I've tried both it and scalix and much prefer zimbra.


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