Whenever you did linux rescue did you do chroot /mnt/sysimage. I am not sure if this would cause problems, the only reason I ask is becuase if root isn't set to /mnt/sysimage and it is trying to look in /etc/fstab it should be looking in /mnt/sysimage/etc/fstab; this might cause the disk not to mount. This could be a simple grub issue, let me know.

On 6/13/06, Scott Silva <ssilva@sgvwater.com > wrote:
techlists@comcast.net spake the following on
6/13/2006 1:54 PM:
> Unfortunately, I do *not* remember the original partition settings.
> I was hoping to find a live CD that could fix such disasters (i.e. systemrescueCD, or some such thing). I did find a Windows based program that's supposed to do the trick. The evaluation edition lets you see if it can see your lost data; you have to buy it ($79) to actually be able to recover the data. This was at:
> http://www.stellarinfo.com/linux-data-recovery.htm
> I'm sure there must be an open source trick somewhere that should work though.
> Paul
Try testdisk. Here is a link to some info of which Live CD's have it.


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