On 12/13/2010 05:14 PM, Sven Aluoor wrote:
Hi folks
I have more than 12 years experience with UNIX system administration, but I am too stupid for programming. My only programming experience is shell scripting. I tried to learn Java, but don't understand it because it is too complicated for my limited brainpower.
What programming language should I learn?
A friend said that C-Sharp (Mono) is very simple. Is this true?
Have a look at Lua (www.lua.org). Imo it's quite readable and less challenging than C, C++, C#, Java, Mono etc. There are a couple of Lua books listed here: http://www.lua.org/docs.html#books I would recommend getting Programming in Lua (2nd ed), Lua Programming Gems and if you like a reference on paper then the Lua 5.1 Reference Manual too (you support the project by buying these books). Some examples and tutorials: http://lua-users.org/wiki/TutorialDirectory
Whatever you decide to learn, have fun!
Regards, Patrick