Hi all
The machine provides the name service
I got the following in the dmesg.
What is it?
Can I have rules to prevent it?
UDP: bad checksum. From outside-ip:61479 to machine-ip:61 ulen 45 UDP: bad checksum. From outside-ip:62499 to machine-ip:61 ulen 45 UDP: bad checksum. From outside-ip:64135 to machine-ip:61 ulen 45 UDP: bad checksum. From outside-ip:64135 to machine-ip:61 ulen 45 UDP: bad checksum. From outside-ip:65383 to machine-ip:61 ulen 45
outside-ip sent an invalid ICMP type 3, code 3 error to a broadcast: 248.32.x.x on eth0 outside-ip sent an invalid ICMP type 3, code 3 error to a broadcast: 248.32.x.x on eth0 outside-ip sent an invalid ICMP type 3, code 3 error to a broadcast: 248.32.x.x on eth0
Thank you
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