try using strace -p PID-OF-YUM and output to mailinglist
-- Eero
2013/7/1 ken
On 07/01/2013 02:04 PM Johnny Hughes wrote:
On 07/01/2013 12:25 PM, ken wrote:
On 07/01/2013 01:21 PM Reindl Harald wrote:
Am 01.07.2013 19:16, schrieb ken:
About thirty minutes ago I started an update. Everything downloaded fine. But when it came to "Running Transaction", it hung:
Running rpm_check_debug Running Transaction Test Finished Transaction Test Transaction Test Succeeded Running Transaction Updating : xulrunner 1/18
And there it sits still.
There's plenty of disk space. The load on the CPU is under 1.0.
is some disk activity, but no way so much as to cause anything to hang and no major writing related to yum. Disk reads are just about null, except just now when I grep'ed for something to make sure that the
could be read. I'm not using even half of the available RAM
what about look in dmesg and/or /var/log/messages?
No. Nothing relevant there.
Normally, there are a couple of big things to check:
- DNS is properly resolving the mirror and your the computer doing the
update names. 2. You do not have a full /var/ or /tmp/ partition 3. You do not have a read only filesystem (usually due to a driver error ... full partitions will act the same way). Make sure you can write to /var/ and /tmp/ 4. Look at bandwidth to ensure it is not slow, look for a transparent webproxy in the path, etc.
yum already got past the downloading phase of the update process (see above), and as said above also, the filesystem is fine. So none of those things come into play here.
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