Johan Vermeulen wrote:
dear All,
I'm facing this routing problem, the setup is actualy part of ltsp, but I think this problem is Centos-specific.
The server is a Dell Poweredge R210. The install is standard 6.4, updated.
I have one nic facing the public internet:
First, we always have BOOTPROTO set - in your case, assuming you're getting em1's IP from DHCP, you should have that; in the case of em2, it's BOOTPROTO=static. As it is, I'd think (without testing) that em1 is trying to present a reserved IP to the 'Net, which is a no-no.
vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-em1
DEVICE=em1 BOOTPROTO=none HWADDR=d4:ae:52:c1:28:2b NM_CONTROLLED=no ONBOOT=yes TYPE=Ethernet UUID="cdfe1d58-c56c-47fc-8a93-5df2e168d176" IPV6INIT=no USERCTL=no DNS2= DNS1= IPADDR= NETMASK= GATEWAY=
and one nic serving the lan and dhpcd.
vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-em2
DEVICE=em2 BOOTPROTO=none HWADDR=d4:ae:52:c1:28:2c NM_CONTROLLED=no ONBOOT=yes TYPE=Ethernet UUID="e72a17b6-fb5f-43f0-9136-fa4d92b542ae" IPADDR= NETMASK= IPV6INIT=no USERCTL=no
<snip> Secondly, what does route show?