Jim Perrin spake the following on 7/18/2007 6:28 AM:
On 7/17/07, Franklin S Werren admin@chautauqualake.net wrote:
Hi All;
I am trying out the web software from www.drupal.org and I have it Installed to a point ok in my www.werren.net domains.
Every time I try to use the .htaccess file in the root directory With even one command showing I get a server mis-config error on the site. The default .htaccess is shown below
I use Cent OS 4.7 using the Blue Quartz installer from Nuonce Networks http://www.nuonce.net/bq-cd.php
Uh, there is no centos 4.7 yet, so that's a neat trick.
In the information you provided, I didn't see the AllowOverride statement for your httpd.conf file. This is where .htaccess is controlled. Check that value.
I think he assumed that BQ4.7 contained CentOS 4.7. It is just version 4.7 of BlueQuartz.