Sorry, that was meant for Dan Trainor only.
[ FYI, I have formally asked that my posts be blocked from reaching the list. That will solve any chance like this. ]
On Thu, 2005-09-15 at 17:20 -0500, Bryan J. Smith wrote:
The problem is that I don't get "defensive" until people psycho-analyze me directly.
Take for example this latest post ...
"This list is completely useless if you're going to be attacked constantly by the likes of Bryan without anyone else stepping in and putting a stop to it."
One quick trip to the CentOS archives will show that Mr. Preston entered not 1 but *2* prior threadds just to criticize me. How non-objective can he be? But when I do it, it's an "attack."
"I apologize and I admit it was wrong to continue an OT post here. But I was just trying to defend myself."
Ahhh, that age-old excuse. Not even *I* claim "I'm just defending myself." I take full ownership of what I do. But apparently I piss off almost everyone in a room according to Mr. Preston.
Unobjective hypocrisy. I'm honest and take ownership. Select others aren't honest and man they never take ownership without a "but ...".