On Wed, 2011-09-14 at 21:02 +0100, Karanbir Singh wrote:
On 09/14/2011 05:38 PM, b.j. mcclure wrote:
> I have a couple machines running 5.6 fully updated from cr repo.  When I
> did 'yum update' this morning it found 8 updates:
>        centos-release-5-7.el5
>        centos-release-notes-5.7-0
>     ghostscript 8.70-6.el5_7.3
>     nspr 4.8.8-1.el5_7
>     nss 3.12.10-4.el5
>     nss-tools 3.12.10-4.el5
>        ntp-4.2.2p1-15.el5
>        initscripts-8.45.38-2.el5

these are all updates released in the last 2 days, I suspect you were
just hitting a mirror machine that did not have the entire rpms/ content
in sync as yet.

If you continue to see this issue, please open an issue report at
bugs.centos.org and provide some details about what mirrors your machine
is hitting ( usually, the fastest-mirror's timedhosts file is a good
thing to check for this info )

- KB
Many thanks.  That was indeed the situation.  Sorry I panicked prematurely. ;-/



CentOS Linux release 6.0 (Final)