Jim Perrin jperrin@gmail.com wrote: >
I finally got arournd to trying to update Centos 4.1 to 4.3 via the boot 'linux upgradeany' option.
The first attempt hung the system with only 2 minutes left in the update procedure (according to the displayed remaing time left).
It was trying to upgrade Mozilla to the latest version.
I then hard rebooted the system and tried again thinking that it might start over where it left off (the Mozilla update).
But no, it started the whole process over again. This time however, everything completed and no system hangs occured during the upgrade process. Have no idea why it hung the first time around.
There is plenty of disc space available on the mounted the partitions to do what ever it needed to do (as in 60 GB).
The thing i noticed though, was that everything in my ~Desktop folder that have been set up previous was gone.
Is this normal in an upgrade procedure with Centos?
Not at all, but then what you did isn't considered 'normal' upgrade procedure. Is there a reason to not just run 'yum update' ?
56k dialup .......... :-(