Why? Just remove that package and install the one from CentOS.
Spamassassin doesn't need to be touched.
Seems to me that you are still using the mix of repos. Packages from RF work fine.
Well, kind of. If you review this thread, you'll see that the the fix was to stop using the RepoForge package for perl-NetAddr-IP so that it wasn't mixed with CentOS packages for perl-Net-DNS and perl-IO-Socket-INET6.
Maybe your position is that you won't fix perl-NetAddr-IP because you only support it when used when all other packages are from RepoForge, but I don't think that's realistic at all - everyone running CentOS will have mostly CentOS packages - naturally. They'll pick up some others they want or need for various reasons from RepoForge, so I'd imagine you'll see mixing of packages quite often amongst people who add RepoForge to their yum systems. Therefore, I'd have thought you'd be interested to learn of an incompatibility in one of the RepoForge packages.
root@specs2:1280:279:/$ rpm -q spamassassin perl-IO-Socket-INET6 perl-Net-DNS perl-NetAddr-IP| sort perl-IO-Socket-INET6-2.57-2.el5.rfx perl-NetAddr-IP-4.044-1.el5.rf perl-Net-DNS-0.66-1.el5.rfx spamassassin-3.3.2-2.el5.rfx