On Thu, Feb 12, 2009 at 12:05:09PM +0800, Fajar Priyanto wrote:
Logrotate is checked every day by cron.daily, right? I notice in logrotate.conf by default it's weekly. If I change it into monthly (now, on 12 of Feb), when will it do the monthly rotation? a. On 12 of March or b. On 1st of March?
Fajar - logrotate is driven by cron. Cron is one of UNIX (oops, I mean Linux) very important system utilities.
You need to know know about this, so check the man pages for cron and crontab to understand not only the timing on logrotate but on how ALL automated-scheduling of job/utilities are arranged on Linux.
Everything you need to know about how to schedule anything is in there.
Jeff Kinz