On 05/11/2012 06:06 PM, Paul Heinlein wrote:
On Fri, 11 May 2012, Theo Band wrote:
I use KVM on two identical centos5 hosts. [....]
My question is, how can I prevent host A from starting a "shut off" VM that actually has been migrated to host B? The VM could actually be running on any another host. It could also have been crashed. The most simple solution would be some sort of lock file placed next to the disk image location, so seen by all hosts. But perhaps there is another way of working with virt-manager that I am not aware of?
My way of dealing with that is to undefine the domain on host A after it's been moved to host B, e.g.,
virsh migrate --live myvm remote://host-b virsh undefine myvm
The CentOS 6 version of virsh allows those operations to be combined:
virsh migrate --live --persistent --undefinesource myvm ...
Thanks, that's the tip I needed. "undefine".