John Doe wrote:
From: ""
So, I got my wife a Nook for her b'day. I just plugged it into my system, CentOS 6.5, and what I see is /media/NOOK, and it shows 257k or
so -
yes, k, not m or g. It's *not* seeing any directories, etc, and the small thing I'm guessing is firmware, since even when I try mount -o remount
-rw, it
is still r/o.
Googling, I see mentions of fsmtp, I think it was, and yum shows some mtp libs, but I don't see anything that looks like a driver. Any
(otherwise, I need to zip up the ebooks we want on her Nook, and take them downstairs to her's and the kid's system, Lose 8, er, Win8.
Maybe this will helps (not sure)...
No joy. I used yumdownloader to get libmtp-devel, and its requirement of libusb-devel, and the only header file is libmtp.h. I see that libusb-devel seems to be *nothing* but html files....