Hi all! Becaule i heard that the apt was great,i wanted to try it.And when i tried to update my system,the yum faid,i installed the apt which came from dag repo by yum. After that i did:sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade.There are some problem and i did as apt suggested:sudo apt-get --fix-broken install.Then apt said should remove 11 softwares insclude yum.I thougt even i removed the yum,i could installed it by apt again,so i removed them. After that i found i could not use apt smooth,there were many problem,so i want to install yum again.But apt couldn't find the yum package. In /etc/apt/sources.list.d,there are two lists:rpmforge.list and os.list. rpmforge.list: # Name: RPMforge RPM Repository for Red Hat Enterprise 5 - dag # URL: http://rpmforge.net/ #rpm http://apt.sw.be redhat/el$(VERSION)/en/$(ARCH) dag repomd http://apt.sw.be redhat/el$(VERSION)/en/$(ARCH)/dag repomd http://apt.sw.be redhat/el$(VERSION)/en/$(ARCH)/dag
os.list: # Name: Operating system and updates
### Red Hat Enterprise Linux #repomd http://mirror.centos.org centos/$(VERSION)/os/$(ARCH) #repomd http://mirror.centos.org centos/$(VERSION)/updates/$(ARCH) #repomd http://mirror.centos.org centos/$(VERSION)/extras/$(ARCH) #repomd http://mirror.centos.org centos/$(VERSION)/fasttrack/$(ARCH) #repomd http://mrepo rhel$(VERSION)s-$(ARCH)/RPMS.os #repomd http://mrepo rhel$(VERSION)s-$(ARCH)/RPMS.updates #rpm http://mrepo rhel$(VERSION)s-$(ARCH) os updates
### Fedora Core Linux #repomd http://ayo.freshrpms.net fedora/linux/$(VERSION)/$(ARCH)/core #repomd http://ayo.freshrpms.net fedora/linux/$(VERSION)/$(ARCH)/updates #rpm http://ayo.freshrpms.net fedora/linux/$(VERSION)/$(ARCH) core updates
### Red Hat Linux #repomd http://ayo.freshrpms.net redhat/$(VERSION)/$(ARCH)/os #repomd http://ayo.freshrpms.net redhat/$(VERSION)/$(ARCH)/updates #rpm http://ayo.freshrpms.net redhat/$(VERSION)/$(ARCH) os updates
What should i do?