Lanny Marcus wrote:
On Mon, Jan 5, 2009 at 7:39 PM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
I just replaced my fan in my nc2400. It was a 5hour job. Had to pull
So how can I find out what Centos knows about the system temp and fan state?
Now with the new fan in, it is not turning at all, but the unit is actually cooler than before, but still hot to touch. Could be better contact with the heatsink.
Sounds like progress in the proper direction, if it is running cooler than before.
<snip> Did you get any documentation with the fan?
No docs. But fortunately, HP has full maintainance docs available on line. I have them for both of my HP notebooks (nc4010 and nc2400). I had to take out EVERYTHING to get to the fan: hard and optical drives, memory, WiFi, Bluetooth, switchs, keyboard, case cover, display, and system board! Then I finally got to the fan and then reassemble and hope I got all those ribbons and connectors connected right. Took about 5 hours (with 1 hour run to MicroCentor to get an T8 and T7 screwdriver, as my T8 socket was not long enough and did not catch in pre-reading the docs about the T7 screws). Fun. Not.
But, since this notebook 'died' the company wrote it off, and now it is mine....
Same with the nc4010 that had a broken display hindge. That was a LOT easier to repair.