James Hogarth wrote:
On 27 August 2010 14:41, m.roth@5-cent.us wrote:
Stefano Sasso wrote:
2010/8/27 Ski Dawg centos@skidawg.org:
After spending a little bit of time searching around today, I have run across 2 that seem like good options, cfengine and puppet.
Does anyone have any thoughts about either of these tools? Is there
Here's another two cents: first part of last year, I was working with Spacewalk, the released version of RedHat's satellite. While I was fighting it tooth and nail, it went from 0.4 to 0.5. With that experience, I'd say *don't* bother about it....
Basing your comments on a version 0.4/0.5 that is pretty unfair.
Why? The current CentOS kernel isn't anywhere near the latest, nor is a fair bit of other stuff in CentOS 5.5. And there are lots of folks running yr-old releases.
It is now 1.1 and the user mailing list is active for assistance.
I was on the mailing list. Did they ever put the change to the documentation that I sent in, that I found, about the settings required to make Oracle happy to work with it? <snip> mark