On Sat, 2006-06-17 at 14:36 -0700, karl@klxsystems.net wrote:
I have downloaded several different sets of the 64-bit ISOs, and have burned them to CD using various of my known-good ISO burning softwares, including Nero and DeepBurn on Windows, as well as the native CD burning KDE linux tool on Xandros Linux. I am using mirrors from the site, like kernel.org.
I have chosen low burning speeds also, but when I insert the ISO CD into a server and boot it up, the ISO doesn't work. I have all of the BIOs/boot settings perfect, the machine is definitely 64-bit, and even when I insert another OS, like Fedora, or Whitebox, it works fine.
Is there something i'm not doing, or doing wrong when burning these 64 bit CD's? I'm in a colo facility and would really like to leave here having converted a bunch of my WBEL and FC boxes to 64-bit Centos.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Before saying anything, I would advise that before attempting to burn is to check the md5sum.
I do not think this is isolated to the 64 bit release. Since moving to CentOS I have been able to record the DVD iso's with all manner of DVD recording software on many machines and operating systems. However, unless I use growisofs, disks created with other software will not boot on any of in 10 test machines I have.
I do:
growisofs -Z /dev/hdc=path_to_iso_file/centos_dvd_iso_file_i_want.iso
(hdc is my DVD recorder, yours maybe different)
This issue needs to be be looked at in relation to how Redhat build their disk images be that RHEL or Fedora to give CentOS the same quality of disk images.