Craig White wrote:
As for ruby - perhaps upstream is so focused on eclipse that it ignores rails and thus ruby as a language might be fine at 1.8.1 but as those who have checked it out, know that rails is a rapidly moving target and upstream isn't covering it.
Now would also be a good time to point out that rubyonrails was only released as a stable 1 oh release just about a month back - and is still regarded as many people ( who use it ) to need work before it will work in an enterprise environment. And a lot of the other support components that people tend to want to use with rONr is still rated as Alpha or Beta grade code.
Second point, the ruby pkgs in are not maintained as a part of Enterprise Linux by Upstream, and are liable to break apart, destroy your machine, cause major business loss and blah blah blah ( the point being that those pkgs are NOT EL maintained code at upstream, so keep that in mind ).