Yeah, I did a yum update as soon as my install finished, and there were 288MB of updates. Alain was right, in that RHEL 6.1 security updates deemed important enough made their way into the 6.0 repos. The site explains it:

"Since upstream has a 6.1 version already released, we will be using a Continous [sic] Release repository for 6.0 to bring all 6.1 and post 6.1 security updates to all 6.0 users, till such time as CentOS-6.1 is released itself. "


On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 3:56 PM, Alain Péan <> wrote:
Le 11/07/2011 21:50, Mark Weaver a écrit :
> Just had a good laugh. I'm sitting here at my desk working with my
> laptop sitting off to the side; I've just loaded C6 this morning and as
> I understand it C6 _just_ finished syncing on the mirrors over the
> weekend. I look up from an email I'm composing to see the updates alert
> being displayed. I won't repeat what first entered my head, but I
> couldn't help but laugh and think, "How the hell can there be updates
> already for an OS that just got released?"

Because 6.0 is in fact 8 months old (from RHEL 6.0 release). I don't
think CenrOS team included the updates in the isos they released... And
with rolling updates, you should find also updates backported from 6.1...

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