We use both 250mhz and 550mhz. I have not noticed a difference, the 250mhz CAT6 performs well @ gigabit speeds.
Karl Balsmeier wrote:
> Hi,
> In populating our racks with several gigbit switches
> over the next few days, i'm wondering this:
> Is it over-engineering to seek out 550mhz rated cables
> over the typical Cat 6 250mhz rated cables?
> I've been advised (if you can a salesperson's words
> advice, heh.) that 250mhz is enough to handle traffic
> up to 10GB's.
> Should I just be happy with Cat6 for my GB switches or
> is is worth getting more into the details and seeking
> 550mhz-rated cable?
> Just curious what your experience is in migrating away
> from the typical 10/100 cables of yore to the spiffier
> world of gb rated traffic.
For what it's worth, I've been using cat6 without incident (at least no
incident that I'm aware of...).
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