nate wrote:
Christoph Maser wrote:
I work in a java shop and I really thik you both are wrong. We do some pretty amazing things with it and openjdk in centos (wich I think you were relating to) is working quite well for us.
For me it's never been an issue, I've been in java shops since pre RHEL, and we've always installed 3rd party jdks, it's not that hard they come in RPM format, at least Sun JDK and BEA Jrockit. It's by no means the only 3rd party RPM that we use.
Short of those dropping off the face of the planet myself I have no reason to try anything else.
Sure, if you are 'in a java shop' you'll have someone around that knows how (and more importantly why) to find a real version and nuke the broken one supplied in your PATH. But languages don't get popular by only being used in places that already know how to use them. Imagine if every free OS distribution had included a broken copy of bash and perl and maybe even C and internally modified their code so things still mostly worked. What kind of effect would that have had on new people learning to program? That's the kind of damage that's been done to java - which is ironic because it was designed to be perfectly portable.