On Thu, 2007-08-30 at 09:09 -0400, Phil Schaffner wrote:
On Wed, 2007-08-29 at 22:20 -0400, Dave wrote:
Hello, I'm using centos5 and i just started noticing a timeout msg when running a yum update. It occurs with the atrpms repo, has anyone else seen this? Thanks.
Yes - going into the 2nd day now. Axel said on the ATrpms-users list on Monday that he is moving to Greece and will not have Internet access for a couple of weeks. He did not say that ATrpms would be down, but probably something broke. Best to disable ATrpms repos for now until he is re-connected and has a chance to fix things.
Pardon the self-reply. Seems ATrpms got slashdotted and that some family problems took priority over the move. The site is up for now but has been limited as to the number of concurrent connections, so there may still be some access problems - probably still best to leave ATrpms disabled unless really needed.
We should exercise patience and wish Axel and his family well with a sick child in the hospital, an international move on-hold, and server problems on top of it all.