On Wed, Mar 29, 2017 at 7:24 AM, Johnny Hughes johnny@centos.org wrote:
On 03/28/2017 06:54 PM, Richard wrote:
On Fri, Mar 24, 2017 at 1:11 PM, Johnny Hughes johnny@centos.org
OK guys, the CR release has happened.
Date: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 16:23:32 -0700 From: Kay Schenk kay.schenk@gmail.com
Still only 6.8 on the mirror link you gave near as I can see. And, since I'm still on 32-bit ( no time to move on right now), will a 32-bit be included in 6.9?
Yes, there are i386 and x86_64 rpms in 6.9.
My read, and poking, is that what was released is the CR repo, and that these will be released to production (as 6.9) "shortly". If you enable the CR repo on your 6.x machine I believe you'll see these updates, and can install them if you want to check things out. My experience is that there will likely be a few updates from the CR when the production set is released.
If you go to:
you'll see that there are packages for both 32- and 64-bit, so you should be getting 32-bit updates that will take you up to 6.9.
Right. As Richard explained, CR goes in the current release (in this case, 6.8) and it is an 'optional way' to get the majority of the packages in the next release (in this case 6.9) early. It usually takes between 1 and 3 weeks to go from all the SRPMs are built to a fully installable tree and fully tested ISOs. In that interim period, if you want to get the RPMs early .. just for updating 6.8 current systems, not new installs, we created CR. More about what CR is and how to use it:
In this case, anaconda and centos-release are the only two SRPMs that are not released to 6.8/CR that are actually in 6.9.
anaconda because it usually requires tweaking and multiple rebuilds to get it working correctly every point release cycle and its main purpose is to build the new install tree, which is not needed in CR.
centos-release because that actually changes the redhat-release file in /etc/ to say 6.9 instead of 6.8 .. something we don't want until 6.9 is officially released.
It is looking more and more likely that we will do the official release on Monday. April 3rd, 2017. The QA team has been testing and we have what I think is the final install tree and the final install ISOs.
The only piece left is the Live Media (LiveCD, LiveDVD), which I am working on now actually. The release could be seeded and ready on Friday .. but we'll wait and do it on Monday to save some SysAdmins their time at home over the weekend and they can do upgrades next week :)
Thanks, Johnny Hughes
Thanks (again) Johnny. You, et. al., rock.