Thanks Benjamin, your solution was quick and simple.
Thanks to all.

On 1/4/06, Benjamin J. Weiss <> wrote:
Erick Perez wrote:

>Hi, I use putty in my windows xp machine. ssh server in a centos 4.
>The centos 4 machine runs a web server that listens on port 1812, the
>centos machine is behind a firewall that allows tcp 22 connections
>only. I am on public internet.
>Can I forward/redirect/allow my web browser in windows to "see" the
>web page in port 1812 of the centos machine via the SSH connection?
>Erick Perez
>Linux User 376588
>  (Get counted!!!)
>Panama, Republic of Panama
>CentOS mailing list
This is easy, and you don't have to do a thing on your server.  Go here:

I use it to connect to my VNC server that runs locally, but you can use
it to tunnel any port.

CentOS mailing list


Erick Perez
Linux User 376588  (Get counted!!!)
Panama, Republic of Panama