On Sun, 24 May 2020, Robert Heller wrote:
At Sun, 24 May 2020 18:33:25 -0500 (CDT) CentOS mailing list centos@centos.org wrote:
I'm trying to format a 16 GB SD card to FAT32. Either it won't find the device or it gives me the titular error message.
mkfs.fat /dev/sdc
First of all, doing it *without* a partition table is not going to work (well mkfs.fat is not going to care (once you deal with the other error). Since
Thanks much! That was it. It did care. At one point I was even told something like, won't do it, partition table.
you are formatting iy FAT32, I'm presuming you will be using it in some device (eg camera, mess-windows machine, etc.). You want an MBR partition table --
Actually, I'm trying to update my BIOS. The instructions I found require FAT32. https://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Desktop-Hardware-and-Upgrade-Questions/Trying-...
I have tried "ejecting" the drive and reinserting the card. I have tried inserting another card, checking to insure that I could see its file, ejecting that card and inserting the target card. If I do not umount it, busy, if I don't, not found.
I'm guessing you are using a GUI and the GUI has some "magic" GUI mounter hack that automagically mounts USB disks when they show up. You probably have to turn that off or work around it. I guess umount from a shell will work. Eject
I used eject from the GUI and umount from the command line.
won't work, since that not only umounts the file system, it also removes the device files (hense "device not found").