On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 12:36 PM, Scott Silva <ssilva@sgvwater.com> wrote:
On 7/10/08, Scott Silva <ssilva@sgvwater.com> wrote:
No !!! Don't change it there. That is the IP address sent to your dhcp clients for them to use for dns. If you set that to, no one will find anything.
You need to run setup either from a terminal window on the ipcop box or by ssh.        
About halfway down is "Networking" which you select, and in that menu is "Dns and Gateway Settings".

You would set the primary dns to and if you want set the secondary dns to what your primary dns was set at. You might have to play with the options to have dhcp assigned red and still be able to set your nameserver settings.
The ipcop boxes I have are all on static ip's, on either T1's or business class DSL, so the settings are a little different.

Whatever you do, write down the original settings of anything you change so you can restore it if it horribly breaks.      

Progress this morning! On our backup IPCop box (the one with much better HW) I updated IPCop and the Snort definitions and backed up that IPCop box to the HD on my Desktop. Then, I had a problem, when I tried to SSH into it. I got an Error, because the /root/.ssh/Known Hosts has the RSA Key for the IPCop box we normally use. I made a backup of that file and put the RSA Key for the Backup IPCop box there and then I was able to SSH into it. I put for the Primary DNS and also for the Secondary DNS and tried to surf the web. No go.

Playing with the IPCop options you suggested might be something I need to do. In DHCP Server configuration, the Primary DNS was set to   I tried changing that to but I had the same problem. When I tried to ping one of my web sites by the domain name, it came back ping: unknown host

I am up and running on our normal IPCop box again. Last night, I changed the DNS Settings in the ADSL Modem, from using the DNS Servers at our local ISP, to those of opendns.com  and that probably will help a lot, until I can get  IPCop configured properly for the Caching DNS Server.