This is quite possible, and having just gone thru this recently a few weeks ago, I thought I post a warning here to hopefully save someone else from the brain-fart I suffered a few weeks ago. I needed to change the mount point permissions w/out umounting the filesystems in a few places, so I remounted / over /tmp/mnt (that was my brain fart, should have used /mnt/tmp). Did my thing, changed what I needed to and then got sidetracked on other things and never got around to umount'ing /tmp/mnt. Next day I started noticing weirdness, and then realized cron.daily fired off it's tmpwatch run and it happily started cleaning older things from /tmp/mnt/... :-(
- Jerry wrote:
This is absolutely untested but it could work: mount / to /mnt and delete the data from there. Dig into mount(8) and test this somewhere outside the production area:
--bind Remount a subtree somewhere else (so that its contents are available in both places). See above.
But again, this is untested and nothing more but a wild guess.