On 9/26/2013 10:53 PM, g wrote:
its an xfs specific mount option. see the man pages for mount (8),
under*Mount options for xfs*...
yes, as stated above;
i understand_mount_options_. i do not find it in "man fstab".
from man fstab,
The fourth field, (fs_mntops), describes the mount options associated with the filesystem.
It is formatted as a comma separated list of options. It contains at least the type of mount plus any addi- tional options appropriate to the filesystem type. *For documentation on the available options for non-nfs file** ** systems, see mount(8)*. For documentation on all nfs-specific options have a look at nfs(5). Common for all types of file system are the options noauto (do not mount when "mount -a" is given, e.g., at boot time), user (allow a user to mount), and owner (allow device owner to mount), and comment (e.g., for use by fstab-maintaining programs). The owner and comment options are Linux-specific. For more details, see mount(8).