-----Original Message----- From: centos-bounces@centos.org [mailto:centos-bounces@centos.org] On Behalf Of Tim Evans Sent: den 20 oktober 2015 14:46 To: CentOS mailing list Subject: Re: [CentOS] Google Chrome Issues on CentOS 6
I was seeing issues like that on centos-7 with a couple of the recent releases of chrome. What I found was that chrome didn't seem to be shutting down fully -- leaving a process and the ".com.google.Chrome..." lock file in /tmp. After cleaning those up chrome would restart without issue. The release that you're running, which came out a few days ago, seems to have cleared things up for me.
Thanks, Richard. Yes, I found 4 or 5 directories (not lock files) named ".com.google.Chrome..." in /tmp, as well as several running chrome processes left over from past exits.
Thanks for this!
Missed the thread-start. In any case I had the issues mentioned too, just as the OP describes.
I attributed the problem to using the same Chrome-profile on my work-computer (Windows), all three Android-devices (work phone, private phone, private tablet) and my home-computer running CentOS 6.7.