On 14.1.2010 17:59, Les Mikesell wrote:
Backuppc will at least send you an email when the backups have failed for 3 days in a row.
I probably should mention the one scenario it doesn't handle very well, though. If you have very large files that have frequent small changes (active databases, logs, unix mailboxes, etc.), backuppc will store a complete new copy on every run,
Another scenario that Backuppc probably does not handle well is backups over the internet of workstations that are behind a firewall. I was hoping the remote users could start the backup of their own workstations using Backuppc:s web interface, but it does not seem possible (even though I haven't tried it in practice), because Backuppc uses netbios names to find the remote machine, and netbios names are not very well routable, I have read. In fact I don't know how this kind of backup service could be accomplished.
- Jussi