On Sun, Dec 18, 2011 at 6:00 PM, Nataraj incoming-centos@rjl.com wrote:
Does backupPC have the abilty to easily be configured so that each daily incremental and each weekly full backup are stored on different drives, i.e. to rotate drives based on your backup schedule and not just when a drive fills up? I think this might look something like having one drive for each day of the week, 1 for each week of the month, 1 for each month of the year, etc...
No, due to the way that duplicate files are pooled with hardlinks, backuppc must store everything on a single filesystem and additional copies do not consume additional space - so there is no reason to do that from a storage perspective. However, from discussions on the mail list, I believe that there are people who swap/rotate the entire archive drive daily or weekly, letting it catch up after each swap, and others have various schemes to image-copy the filesystem with raid or lvm mirroring to get offsite copies.