Just out of curiousity, why replace OSX with Centos?
'Cause it's just better. Among other things, MacOS has the following problems that DRIVE ME UP THE WALL:
1) Multiple Desktops, or, at least, the lack thereof. Yeah, Leopord will come with 'spaces', but if it isn't released, it isn't released.
2) Application windows don't alt-tab between them. So, if you have two or three terminal windows open, you have to use the mouse to switch. (AGUHG!)
3) The dock is easy to use, but just irritating to me. It succeeds in being pretty and consuming useful desktop space without providing much useful information at all. It's like a pretty girl with rocks in her head - nice to look at at first, but no fun to live with!
4) No task bar. (Hey, it's easy to jump straight to whatever you want by hitting the button, without having to "hunt" for it based on whether or not you minimized it)
OTOH, I have to support Mac OSX with our client-side software - so being able to run Linux, Windows, and OSX on a single machine without alot of pain would be very, very nice. (but I'm starting to get my reservations)