On 05/19/2010 02:37 PM, Digimer wrote:
I've been googling for ways to do this, figuring it must be somewhat
straight forward, but my google-fu is weak it seems. Can someone point me to a how-to or doc on rolling your own CentOS derivative ISO?
You can look around for documents on revisor. I use the attached configuration files to generate installable trees.
revisor.conf belongs in /etc/revisor/. revisor-c5-x86_64.conf belongs in /etc/revisor/conf.d/.
In the c5 file, you'll want to disable the "local" repository initially. I use that section to avoid downloading packages that I already have when I want to refresh my tree.
I think you'll also need to remove the "reuse" line from revisor.conf initially. I use the "revisor-reuseinstaller" to avoid rebuilding the installation images. IIRC, the squash tools differ between Fedora (where I do these builds) and CentOS 5; it isn't possible to rebuild the anaconda images on Fedora. If you run revisor on CentOS 5, the reuseinstaller package is optional.
Once you have revisor installed and the config files in place, you need a kickstart file that specifies what packages you want installed. Provide that to revisor and it will build the image using the packages specified in the kickstart file.
# revisor --yes --kickstart=/home/gordon/deploy/kickstart/centos5 --model=c5-x86_64 --install-tree --cli