Two questions:
- Doesn't yum know that its running on a 64 bit system and
automatically pull the right rpm's?
Yum knows. The problem is that you haven't told it specifically which one you want. Multiple packages provide that file. The other issue is that the 64bit centos isn't fully 64bit. There are some i386 packages in place for compatibility, and updates to them get dragged in as well. This is a reasonably common problem, and if you read/google through the list archives, you'll see several instances of it. It's not a yum issue, so much as an OS issue inherited from the upstream vendor.
- If I need to specify 64 bit version of the aforementioned pkg
(, how do I do that? Is there a naming convention for this?
I'd start off by adding/creating a file for your user and root called .rpmmacros in their respective home directories. The content of this file should be as follows:
%_query_all_fmt %%{name}-%%{version}-%%{release}.%%{arch}
Then do 'yum provides' It'll return the likely matches, showing the appropriate arch for each. Then if you want the 64bit package do 'yum install packagename.x86_64'
It should be in xorg-x11-libs.i386 or xorg-x11-libs.x86_64. You'll want to run the commands above to verify this for yourself.
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